Reviewer: Edvard Taurion
Designer: Cimone Blackburn
- Dirty Deeds Store
Cimone Blackburn owner and creator of Dirty Deeds Store loves to have her fun in the snow, and she dont hide it! Great new scene from her, with snow fall on/off, texture changer and much more, ~Dirty Deeds~ Snow BaLLeD. is what ill be reviewing for your reading pleasure today.
Opening word and some technical details from creator, Cimone Blackburn:
"The "Snow BaLLeD!" is the a MUST HAVE for any Winter or Snow Scene in Secondlife! Filled with PG & X-Rated Menus that can seat 1-6 Avatars at once!! Its got over 100 Animations to play around in the Snow, alone or with a friend.. Built with only ThE BeSt Animations SL has to offer.. plus many custom animations made for this Winter Scene so you can Catch Snowflakes, Build a Snowman, Throw Snow, Make Snow Angels, etc. etc..
This amazing item includes poses so you can put snow down his pants, throw her down & put snow in her face, pull her pants down.. & MoRe! ;)
☆ Room for TWO COUPLES at a time with this item! Or a THREESOME & COUPLE! (plus single avatar)
☆ TEXTURE MENU included so you can change the SNOWMAN, Ground Snow, or turn the SNOWFALL On / Off!!
⋟ The Menu gives these items out in the "Get★Stuff" Button ⋞

(it even gives out Snowflakes for your Hair!!)
Made with high quality textures for a realistic look.
( complete with pine cones, rabbit, & mouse! )
♦ Sits 1 to 6 People.. Mix & Match, Singles, Couples, & THREESOME!
♦ 28 Different Single Sits (Built into the Snowball pile, Snowman, & Stump!)
- When your sitting alone... Sit on the desired piece & Click for a menu!
- Male & Larger Avatars sit on the STUMP or SNOWBALL PILE (poses have been adjusted/positioned for this size)
- Female & Smaller Avatars sit on the SNOWMAN (poses have been adjusted/positioned for this size)

☆ When 2 People are sitting on SINGLES; click the item to bring up the menu and choose from the Couples Poses.
☆ Male & Larger Avatars sit on the BOTTOM CUSHION (poses have been adjusted/positioned for this size)
☆ Female & Smaller Avatars sit on the TOP CUSHION (poses have been adjusted/positioned for this size)
♦ 22 Different Couples PG & WINTER SNOW Animations
♦ 33 Different Couples X-Rated & SEX Animations
♦ 20 Threesome SEX Animations... (Including MMF & MFF.. Touch the SEAT CUSHION to bring up the Menu.. Choose pose & sit on the balls)
♦ Get Stuff! Like: A Snowball, or Snowflakes for your Hair!
♦ Some Animations use a Snowball... (wear the snowball given from the item)
103 animations in total
25 prims.
The way i see it, any snow and season fan in SL need to have ~Dirty Deeds~ Snow BaLLeD, with all options is so much more then just another sex menu item. But one thing at the time.
Small in size, 8.5x7 meters, but rich in decorations this is ideal winter accessory for any well decorated winter sim or SL home. Additional 8 texture changer will make it blend on your exterior like its custom made for it.
Catch Snowflakes, Build a Snowman, Throw Snow, Make Snow Angels, etc. are just some of PG fun that you can do with this well made ~Dirty Deeds~ Snow BaLLeD new item from Cimone Blackburn.
When it comes to adult xxx menu, its made in MLPV system, user friendly and logical. Divided in sub-menus that are filled with top quality chosen animations, smooth and rich in fps, allowing you to have best sensual and lust full outdoor snow expedience in SL.
Dirty Deeds Store and Cimone Blackburn is staying faithful to tradition of making innovative adult furniture with precision and quality, bringing us part of her playful imagination that we can touch and play with.
Another fine product from Dirty Deeds Store that will keep us warm in long winter SL nights, can be ind on SL market place or in world store on links under the text:
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