Reviewer: Edvard Taurion
Designer: InfernosChill Resident
- Gracefully Wicked

Available in adult and PG version new GW Serene Armchair carries on the best well know tradition in Gracefully Wicked furniture making giving so much to final user for so small prim numbers and price.

Ok, now when we have that behind us, lets start with review :)
Technical details and description from creator, InfernosChill Resident:
"GW Serene Armchair (Adult) is perfect for any indoor setting, can sit up to 2 avatars at the same time, and its great features include:
1. Original and exclusive mesh build
2. 164 quality animations (no free / cheap ones)
- 10 single animations (5 male and 5 female for first sitter)

- 134 hot and smooth adult 2P animations (67 sync 2P poses for 2P adult)
3. 4 elegant looking textures sets that can be mixed and matched
4. No pose balls
5. 100% menu driven
6. 100% mesh
Land Impact: 10
Permissions: Copy / Mod"

Creator did great job with describing menus, so i wont repeat that, and as you can see, plenty ways to use and enjoy in this new fine product.
All animations used in this fine new GW Serene Armchair are high in quality, duration long and frames per second rich, insuring you with high level of animated support and visual stimulation for your sensual and sexual RP scenario.

On test for this review GW Serene Armchair did perform flawlessly, all animations where smooth in transition and well aligned and texture changer did perform with out any problems. I was not able to find any downside to it.
With all that said i do recommend this new GW Serene Armchair and other fine Gracefully Wicked Store products to all my readers and you can find them on SL market place or in world store on links under the text:
SL Market Place:
In World Store:
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