Reviewer: Edvard Taurion
Designer: alecat Breda
- N4RS Animated Sex Furniture and Decor
Well lets open this review on bit unusual and personal level; All my friends know that reason for me to talk English language is my country music addiction, i never learn it in any school or any other place. In my RL "man cave" i have Dixie flag license plate made in San Quentin on the wall, beside picture of Dale Watson and me, zippo lighter collection, belt buckle collection, 5 pairs of hand made cowboy boots and couple thousand of cd's with just country and western and bluegrass music. Now that, beside fact that i roll my own smokes, have guns and ammo subscription and ipsc and idp license makes me bit "country" crazy so this will be subjective review ;)

Technical details and description from creator, alecat Breda:
"Original Mesh and Texture Design
The Set Includes
- Ol Opry Chair 1 and 2 (with and without draped plaid) - Land Impact 6 each
- Wagon Wheel Glass Topped Table - Land Impact 2
- Barn Wood Steer Skull Wall Art - Land Impact 1
PG 10 Sit Animations
Adult - MM - 52 Animations
Adult - MF - 64 Animations
Permissions - Copy / Modify (scripts not modify)"
This is even better then "obligatory" rocking chair on porch or in front of double wide ;) Prims are low, quality high and price is right and affordable. And yes, i know we all did have sex in strange places, at least in SL but now we have chance to do it wheelbarrow. My comments on that can only be yeeeha or Git It Done ;)
Main menu is easy to use and logical, divided on solo and duo buttons. Solo button will take you to male and female sits sub menus and duo button will take you to oral, fuck and before and after sub menus. So as you can see plenty to play and choose from :)

To make conclusion about this new well made N4RS Ol Opry Set - MF; beside unquestionable high quality animations used in this new fine set and flawless performance on test for this review i really wanna emphasize the level of quality that whole set has. Low in prim and high in details. Really well above average, with extremely detailed and realistic features this new N4RS Ol Opry Set - MF is safe and smart buy. Again purchase box contains more then one menu item and allowing you to have whole set and scene with out any additional time or money waist. One of the finest furniture that you can find out there at the moment.
With all that said i do recommend new N4RS Ol Opry Set - MF and other fine N4RS Animated Sex Furniture and Decor products to all my readers and you can find it on SL market place or in world store on links under the text:
SL Market Place Store:
In World Store:
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