Reviewer: Edvard Taurion
Designer: Iris Maskelyne
- DIGS - Furniture & Prefabs
New adult products from DIGS - Furniture & Prefabs Store coming out, my dear readers, and i know you like them :)
Today, for your reading pleasure ill review new DIGS - Flokati Rug - Adult [MESH]
Technical details and description from creator, Iris Maskelyne:
"The rug seats up to 2 avatars independently, or as a couple, plus 3somes!
The rug menu is as follows:
Single: Unisex, Female, Male, Activites
Couple: Activities, MF, FF, MM
all quality animations and includes book, magazine and laptop props.
Just right-click and sit.
Touch the blanket to choose from 6 texture-set options."
►DIGS Blog
►Flickr Photostream

Main menu is made in AVsitter 2.0 no pose balls system. easy to use and logical, divided on single, couples and trio buttons. Single button will give you activities, unisex, female and male animations to choose from, couples button will give you activitiesC, mf couples, ff couples and mm couples, trio will give you ffm, mmf and fff combinations to chose from. So as you can see plenty options for all.
Animations are high in quality, frames per second rich and duration long so im sure you will be satisfied with them. Also on test for this review new DIGS - Flokati Rug - Adult [MESH] did perform with out any problems, all animations where smooth in transition, well aligned and i was not able to find any down side to it.
With all that said, i do recommend new DIGS - Flokati Rug - Adult [MESH] and other fine DIGS - Furniture & Prefabs products to all my readers, and you can find them on SL market place or in world store on links under the text:
SL Market Place:
In World Store:
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