Reviewer: Edvard Taurion
Designer: Ricci Beebe
One of the reason why i did started my blog few years back is to show people that quality furniture in SL don't have to cost great amount of money. And here is another proof for that; new CLIMAX - Student Chair, ideal for school and college RP for under 500 L$. So lets start with review :)
Technical details and description from creator, Ricci Beebe:
"This is one of a growing range of beautifully designed CLIMAX Sex Furniture that will bring you many hours of erotic pleasure
Contains the highest quality, perfectly tuned (user can adjust) animations complete with appropriate facial expressions
Our sex devices are better than many others that cost two or three (or more) times as much. Our animations are by the best animators (ask and we will tell you who) and our designs are second to none.
Don't take our word for it - come to CLIMAX and try it out at the main store! (also some of our mall stores).
We believe this is the highest quality, device of it's kind anywhere in SL
WARNING: Animations are mostly XXX Erotic - don't buy if you are offended by hard core sex play
ANY problems with ANY items will be corrected as soon as possible and if required replacements sent - for life!
Minor modifications may be done free of charge - larger mods at fair price
Other versions available..."
With just 4 prims land impact and in copy permission you have all what you need for good classroom RP scenario. Put some "bad girl" student under detention, or just let your imagination go wild and enjoy in this new high quality low priced CLIMAX - Student Chair.
Main menu is made in MLPV2.5c, easy to use and logical, divided on following sub menus: solo, desk sex, chair sex, get stuff and options button. So as you can see plenty ways to use and enjoy in this new fine product.
All animations used in this new CLIMAX - Student Chair are high in quality, duration long and frames per second rich, and they will provide you with awesome visual animated stimulation for your sensual and sexual RP moments.
On test for this review CLIMAX - Student Chair did performed flawlessly, all animations where smooth in transition, well aligned and i was not able to find any downside to it.
With that said, i do recommend this new CLIMAX - Student Chair and other fine CLIMAX* Furniture Products to all my readers and you can find them on SL market place or in world store on links under the text:
SL Market Place Store:
In World Store:
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