Reviewer: Edvard Taurion
Designer: Bethi Catteneo
- Essensual Sculptures
Beaches getting better and better looking with each day, judging by your requests my dear readers. I really appreciate them all, but what i also do like is that you don't asking for furniture but for appropriate adult decorations to.
And it all did fit together for this review that im writing today, like pieces of fine mosaic. One of my old dear friend, ticey Wonder, did show me her sim, tropical surrounding, beach, sand, and she did ask me, while she was giving me tour, what do i think its missing here, what else she can add to make it look better. One thought did go true my head instantly, Bethi Catteneo and hers Essensual Sculptures Store.
Now don't get me wrong, my friend did good job on her beach, all fine furniture was there, not to much or not to many of anything all was just right, except one thing. It was kinda empty at that time. And what better way to make your sim guests not fell alone and give them message on subtle level that you wanna them naked then with ultra realistic Essensual - Sunbathing Girl.
Great idea, and even better realized final product, in just 6 amazing prims land impact, if you dint resize it and make it bigger, and thats nothing for this level of realistic look and appearance. With out any doubt unique and high quality product.
Its mod, so you can change color of the towel even her skin, customize it 100% to your own beach, yard or garden needs. But above all its so close to real avi that is unbelievable. Even after you fully rezzed you will still go with your cursor over it just to be sure is it a sculpture or that person name just don't shows up on your screen ;)
With my recommendation you can find this new Essensual - Sunbathing Girl and other fine Essensual Sculptures products on SL market place or in world store on links under the text:
SL Market Place:
In World Store:
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