Reviewer: Edvard Taurion
Designer: Mindy Astermann
- Dark Addictions Store
Thank you my dear readers for positive comments and feed back on previous Dark Addictions Store product review on my blog and for all requests. Like always, when i can, i try to for fill all of your demands, so today i prepared review of new DA+ Daddy's Girl Classic Damask Sofa 2.28, made by Mindy Astermann. So lets start with review :)
Technical details and description from creator, Mindy Astermann:
"Dark Addictions
DA+ Daddy's Girl Damask Sex Sofa 3X
Extended 3-some menus MFF MMF
Copy and modifiable
7 prim (LI)
Texture Change Presets
Extended MMF and MFF menus
Daddy's Girl Damask Sex Sofa 3X is as romantic as it is sexy, filled with cuddles and steamy sex, as well as Classic Rich textures and soft curving lines...
Daddy's girl really does love the finer things in life, and loves to entertain, and keep Daddy very happy...
It's a meticulously animated, fine mesh furniture item that includes texture menus for preset texture sets and woods
Loaded with quality sit, cuddle, oral, sex and threesome animations - including the very best cuddling animation sets
Over 300 15-60+ animations in 120 sets; many extended and sequenced for longer play
Facial Expressions can now be turned on or off Via the (Adjust) option, now has a (faces) button, easy on and off feature!
No annoying poseballs!
No useless poses or confused menus!
(free expression hud is included)

All feedback is important to us and very much appreciated
For customer service and inquiries contact
Mindy Astermann - Dark Addictions
DaSein Noyes - Archdemon"
Timeless and classic in design, this fine new DA+ Daddy's Girl Classic Damask Sofa 2.28 will be high decoration item with great functional value in same time. It will fit perfect in any luxury SL club or private home, texture changer is build in so it will blend in perfectly. Its copy so you can rezz as many as you need. And main menu is really big, wide and easy to use and it will keep you and your guests well entertained.
Here is more details about it;
Main menu is easy to use and logical, made in AVsitter™2.0 no pose balls system, divided on following sub menus: single, company, couple, intimate, serve, service, ride, owned, FMM, FMF, and adjust button. So as you can see well all around made product with plenty ways for couples and 3somes to use and enjoy.
All animations used in this new DA+ Daddy's Girl Classic Damask Sofa 2.28 are high quality, duration long and frame per second rich, chosen to provide you with good visual animated support for your sensual and sexual RP moments.
On test for this review new DA+ Daddy's Girl Classic Damask Sofa 2.28 did preformed with out any problems, all items did rez in right spot and on time, animations where smooth in transition and well aligned so i was not able to find any down side to this new fine product.
With my recommendation you can find new DA+ Daddy's Girl Classic Damask Sofa 2.28 and other fine Dark Addictions Store products on SL market place or in world store on links under the text:
SL Market Place:
In World Store:
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