
MS Ornate Mirror Corner Monitor

Reviewer: Edvard Taurion

Designer: Moon Corrigible

- Moon Song Products

Moon skills in building high end performance furniture are only limited by her imagination it seems, and to testify that best example is new MS Ornate Mirror Corner Monitor!

New MS Ornate Mirror Corner Monitor is item that many of you, my dear readers, who like to RP DS did ask for and look for, so i will say one of the kind with out any serious competition at this moment on market!

And what it does i will let Moon to explain in her own words ;)

Technical details and description from creator, Moon Corrigible:

"Time with your SL partner can be limited. Scheduling conflicts, day to day conflicts and even conflicting time zones can make time together precious. And corner time, no matter 'effective' it might be SUCKS. It is boring and stupid and not the way you want to spend time your limited time with your loved one. This is where Moon Song's Corner Monitor 2.0 can help. Rather then spend your precious limited time together standing in the corner pouting, you can do it while your partner is offline. The Corner Monitor will report back to whoever you tell it to report to and tell it how long you spent with your nose in the corner.

Plus, lets face it, with all the amazing options in SL home decor, and empty corner just looks.. wrong. Do you *really* want the neighbors realizing you have to spend time staring at the corner considering your actions? It's flipping embarrassing! So when it's not being used, the corner monitor just looks like a lovely mirror, such as might be found in any well-equipped SL home. And the extensive appearance menu lets you customize it to fit your decor exactly!

To use the corner monitor simply sit on it. The mirror will disappear and you will find yourself staring penitently at the wall. You can change your pose/and or adjust your position (and save it specifically for you) using the main menu.

Now right out of the box, the monitor will not be set up to report to anyone. And you don't have to have it report to anyone if you don't want to. If your partner enjoys watching you be bored out of your mind then.. well. sigh. So if you want to have it report to someone you will have to set that up. On the menu, choose 'REPORT TO'. If no one is set up to be the disciplinarian, the menu will say 'No disciplinarian is currently set up'. To choose one click 'NEW DISCIPLINARIAN'. This will bring up a text box and ask you type of the name of the disciplinarian you want to report to into the box. Type in the account name, not the user name. Your disciplinarian does not need to be present or even online. You'll have to keep track of your corner time yourself, but when it is over, simply stand. The corner mintor will tell you how long you were in the corner and send an IM to your disciplinarian. If, on the other hand, the monitor has already been set up to report to someone, when you first stand in the corner, the monitor will tell you who it is reporting to. If this is not who you want to report to, You can choose either 'NEW DISCIPLINARIAN' or 'NO,DON'T REPORT', depending one whether you want to report to someone or not. If, the set disciplinarian is who you want to report to, you can choose 'YES REPORT' or just go straight to 'CHANGE POSE' or 'ADJUST' Either way it will report your corner time to the specified disciplinarian.

Then, if you want to change your pose half way through but don't have the dialog menu any more, just click on the floor at your feet. That will summon up a fresh dialog menu.

And just a note: the mirror will wait a few seconds to let you get out of the way before it reappears. But if you don't move fast enough it's not a problem. The mirror is phantom so you can walk through it and not do any more corner time than you absolutely have to.

Your best bet is to come try out the bed for yourself in our in world stores (links under the text).

Thank you for your interest!"

Made in 2 prims land impact this new fine Moon Song MS Ornate Mirror Corner Monitor will provide you with whole lotta fun with small impact on your pocket. Made in timeless classic design it will blend in perfectly in any private SL home or open to public club.

Also i need to mention that price of 750 L$ is just fragment of the price that will furniture of same quality, rank, and options have on open market, and reason for it is simple; Moon Corrigible, owner and creator of Moon Song Products, wanna make her creations affordable to all SL users. So by all means smart and safe buy.

Majority of animations are custom build, and cant be find in any other furniture, and all animations used in this fine new MS Ornate Mirror Corner Monitor are high in quality and duration long, carefully chosen and put together to provide you with unique high quality visual stimulation for your RP moments.

On test for this review MS Ornate Mirror Corner Monitor did perform flawlessly, all animations where smooth in transition and well aligned, all did perform with out any problems. I was not able to find any downside to it.

With all that said i do recommend MS Ornate Mirror Corner Monitor and other fine Moon Song Products to all my readers and you can find them on SL market place or in world store on links under the text:

SL Market Place:


In World Store:



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