MS Sinuous Dragon Lantern
Reviewer: Edvard Taurion
Designer: Moon Corrigible
- Moon Song Products

After release of MS Ancient Dragon Lantern, successful and well excepted by you, my dear readers, its time for MS Sinuous Dragon Lantern. Same menu same prims, same top and undisputed quality in different design :)
So lets start with review.
Technical details and description from creator, Moon Corrigible:

"Slaves can be so lazy sometimes! Moon Song believes that if a slave must hang around all day, they should at least be decorative. This is where Moon Song's Dragon Lantern is particularly useful. The discerning dominant can use the piece to chain their submissive in a position which is pleasing to the eye, making them a lovely piece of artwork. Then, should the dominant be particularly pleased or displeased with the slave, the dominant can join them, and express their desire or displeasure as the mood strikes them.

Simply click to sit. A menu will then come up giving you several options. If two people are going to use the piece, it is assumed that the submissive will be bound first (though you can always switch later). The dominant then clicks to sit, which positions them standing in front of the submissive and asks if they can join them. If the submissive says no, or fails to answer in a reasonable amount of time, the piece will unsit the dominant. Otherwise it will ask the dominant how they want to proceed via a menu.
This is a conglomerated mesh object, so the prim count shown is land impact
Your best bet is to come try out the lantern for yourself in our in world stores. Links on bottom of article."

Made in just 9 prims land impact this new fine Moon Song's MS Sinuous Dragon Lantern will provide you with so many options with small impact on your land and your pocket. And its so cool in design to :)
Menus are so well described from creator and show on pictures so i wont focus my self on them. But i have to say they are easy to use and logical, with out any adopting period needed, and like always when we dealing with Moon Song products, they will provide us with hours and hours of fun.

Also i need to mention that price of 1000 L$ is just fragment of the price that will furniture of same quality, rank, and options have on open market, and reason for it is simple; Moon Corrigible, owner and creator of Moon Song Products, wanna make her creations affordable to all SL users. So by all means smart and safe buy.
Majority of animations are custom build, and cant be find in any other furniture, and all animations used in this fine new MS Sinuous Dragon Lantern are high in quality and duration long, carefully chosen and put together to provide you with unique high quality visual stimulation for your RP moments.
On test for this review MS Sinuous Dragon Lantern did perform flawlessly, all animations where smooth in transition and well aligned and all did perform with out any problems. I was not able to find any to it.
With all that said i do recommend MS Sinuous Dragon Lantern and other fine Moon Song Products to all my readers and you can find them on SL market place or in world store on links under the text:
SL Market Place:
In World Store:
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