
Abiss Interior - La Scala Full Set Black

Reviewer: Edvard Taurion

Designer: Frasha Boa

- Abiss Interior Design

Undisputed best store when it comes to furniture design, Abiss Interior Design, offering us Abiss Interior - La Scala Full Set Black. Timeless superior style combined with flawless performance and top quality animations.

At the beginning, description and some technical features from creator, Frasha Boa:

**Key features**

Wooden black/white lacquer finishes with glossy damask cloth material
make the perfect combination for modern interiors, still having classical touch.
No mod, no copy permissions (except for chandelier), transfer

Entire set comes in following pieces:

2 x Armchair 13 prims

1x Love seat - 15 prims

1x Chaise lounge - 12 prims

1x Central table - 5 prims

1x Chandelier - 19 prims

Total prim count for entire set = 77 prims


** La Scala Armchair**

Sculptie shaped and textured armchair with high detailed textures.

12 different sitting animations placed inside seat for male and female avatars.
In order to sit down, the user needs to right click and choose sit option from pie menu
Afterwards, a simple touch to the armchair brings up pose/ anim menu for you to choose.
Poses are fully adjustable via command in main chat window, typing " /1a "
Touch backside (behind) of armchair to get full bright option on/off (usable for interior scenes where you don’t want avatars with face lights to change your surroundings)
Separate purchase price of 500l$

**La Scala Love seat**

Sculptie shaped and textured love seat with high detail textures
Contains 36 sitting animations / poses inside seat and recline prims

- in order to SIT on sofa, all you have to do is use a simple sit option from your pie menu after clicking the right mouse button on the sofa, but in order to access all of those placed inside, you will have to target specific parts of sofa, e.g. left seat, right seat or left and right recline zones. You can switch pose over designated seat by touching same one you first targeted via right mouse button. Poses are adjustable via main chat window for different avatars. Type /a in main chat window and menu appears that allows you to position your avatar perfectly (script stores your avatars preferences so you don’t need to adjust pose every time you use it).
- In order to bring up couples pose balls, OWNER of furniture piece must touch either of side arms. After 30 seconds in most cases (depending on performance of sim where you rezzed it), READY message should appear. Then you can bring up "pose balls" by touching side arm again. Menu appears in right upper corner that guides you through poses. All you have to do is right click and sit (option love) on one of pose balls. Underneath that menu, another pop up window will appear that will ask you for permission to act on your input controls, you must accept that in order to use it.

- Love seat comes with "only" 18 different couple poses (cuddles, massage, sex and girl only), since the visible surface is relatively small (most animations are designed for large surfaces such as beds etc.), so we haven’t placed any of the anims that might look awkward (feet coming through side arms) nor placed anims on floor. Note that most animations are same as ones placed inside chaise lounge. Online documentation: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/MLPV2
Touch backside (behind) of love seat to get full bright option on/off (usable for interior scenes where you don’t want avatars with face lights to change your surroundings)
Separate purchase price 1200l$

**La Scala Chaise lounge**

Sculptie shaped and textured love seat with high detail textures
Contains 30 sitting/relaxing - animations/poses inside seat and recline prims

In my eyes, like i mentioned at the beginning of review, this fine made 6 pieces set that includes: two Armchair,  Love seat,  Chaise lounge, Central table and Chandelier is real champion in class and high style design and contains all that you need to make your villa, manor or any other great looking interior space furnished up for true king and queen. Decoration feature is something that comes traditionally with any Abiss product together with functionality.

Beside siting animations in Armchairs, Love seat and Chaise lounge, sex menu is located just in Chaise lounge. Main menu is 100% user friendly, divided into cuddles, sex and girl fun sub menus, so all will have an easy and relaxed time in use of this fine product.

All animations that this Abiss Interior - La Scala Full Set Black uses are top quality, smooth in transition, and frames per second rich allowing you to enjoy your sensual lustful moments to the maximum.

On the test for review, I was not able to find any down side to the  performance and functionality of Abiss Interior - La Scala Full Set Black or any mistake in build or design. All textures are amazing and well placed, and the menus were working flawlessly with well aligned animations for average size avis.

So in conclusion, I highly recommend this Abiss Interior - La Scala Full Set Black and other fine Abiss Interior Design products that you can find on SL market place or in world store on links under the text:



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